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Brazil Milky Cloud – bez coffee for coffee machines and espresso

4.32 Oceny: 22 4.32
Gross price: €11.91

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Net price: €9.68

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The perfect coffee for automatic coffee machines!

In the flavor of Brazil Milky Cloud you will find the taste of chocolate, caramel and hazelnuts. This coffee is non-acidic, and its sweetness and dessert character will satisfy all fans of deep and sweet flavors.

If you use an automatic coffee machine, or like mildly darker roasted coffees - Milky Cloud Brazil will be perfect for you. We have conducted many tests on automatic coffee makers to see if the built-in grinders do not jam, and if indeed this coffee is perfect in this method. We know that you will also appreciate the taste of both espresso and milk coffees brewed from these beans in your home.


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Vendor: Roastains

Here is the best coffee for automatic coffee maker!

If you brew your coffee in an automatic coffee maker, or if you like slightly darker roasted coffees - we have prepared Milky Cloud Brazil especially for you. For a long time we searched for the beans that would be best for brewing with an automatic coffee machine. Finally, we succeeded! With a medium + firing profile, this coffee will also be great for those who like non-acidic coffees. The name Milky Cloud obliges - this coffee combined with milk actually tastes light, like a cloud. We tested it in several automatic coffee makers - each built-in grinder ground it without a problem, so you don't have to worry about your grinds.


Flavour and aroma

Milky Cloud Brazil contains no additives and no artificial flavors, only genuine coffee taste comes from natural beans. Thanks to the exceptional quality of the beans, you can sense the aroma and taste of chocolate, caramel and hazelnuts. These flavor notes are what the sensory profile is all about - the natural taste of coffee.

The character of the coffee

Brazil MIlky Cloud has a mild and sweet character. It will be perfect as a coffee brewed in a pressure machine, both with and without milk. It will especially be loved by people who are looking for deep flavor in their coffee and a lack of acidity.


kawa ziarnista będzie doskonała do różnych metod parzenia ale reż do ekspresu automatycznego, ekspresów ciśnieniowych Najlepsza kawa ziarnista ma bogaty smak i jest najczęściej wybierana do parzenia za pomocą ekspresów automatycznych. Kawy palone do ekspresu automatycznego z naszej oferty będą charakteryzować się nutami gorzkiej czekolady i słodyczą. Wiesz jaka jest zawartość kofeiny w Twojej kawie? Niższa ilość kofeiny będzie w cappuccino i espresso z ekspresu automatycznego Espresso z robusty może być najmocniejsze wśród wszystkich kaw. Jeśli zależy Ci na przyjemnej kwasowości i mniejszej ilości kofeiny sięgnij po ziarno arabiki!
Czy jest możliwość stosowania kawy mielonej w parzeniu dzięki ekspresu automatycznego? Najlepsze do tego będą kawy ziarniste. Kawa do ekspresu automatycznego będzie charakteryzować się nutami czekolady, a jej słodki smak sprawi, że będzie to najlepsza kawa do kaw mlecznych. Dzięki słodyczy i wyczuwalną nutą czekolady ta kawa z ameryki południowej jest kawą chętnie parzoną w ekspresach automatycznych. Jaka kawa na półkach sklepowych będzie kawą do ekspresów automatycznych? Najczęściej będzie to kawa  ziarnista z ameryki południowej i środkowej ameryki. Mieszanka, czyli blend robusty z arabiką nie sprawi, że kwasowość kaw będzie niższa w espresso. Postaw na smaki singli, nie mieszanki!
”Jaka Niska kwasowość to nie tylko robusty. Są różne gusta ale polecamy ziarna o smakach takich jak czekolady, orzechów, bogate w nuty słodyczy.Orzechy i czekolada to smaki miłośników kaw arabika z najlepszych palarni. Takie kawy będą idealne do ekspresów automatycznych przez słodycz w ich aromacie. Jaka kawa na półkach sklepowych będzie kawą do ekspresów automatycznych? Najczęściej będzie to kawa  ziarnista z ameryki południowej i środkowej ameryki. ”Mieszanka,
Kawa to owoc więc może posiadać kwasowość, a w jej smaku znajdziesz słodycz owoców lub nuty cytrusów. Kawy dostępne w naszym sklepie z ameryki środkowej, z obróbki naturalnej będą miały mniejszą kwasowość w smaku. Espresso w ekspresach automatycznych będzie miało niższą kwasowość w Twojej filiżance. Każdy barista wie, że dobre ziarno podczas parzenia będzie miało piankę, którą nazywamy również crema. Kawa ziarnista do ekspresu automatycznego może mieć smak kawy z ameryki środkowej, czy południowej ameryki.



Why is Roastains the best source of coffee?

Roastains Roastery is a small coffee producer, but it's in the small ones that there is strength! We bring our green coffee beans directly to the roaster to roast fresh coffee every day - a guarantee of specialty quality. The most important thing for us are the arabicas you will find in our store. We know everything about them - where they come from, who grows them, what exactly are the botanical varieties of the coffee plant.

You can drink our coffee in many recognized coffee shops across Poland, something we are extremely proud of as a specialty segment roaster.



Informations about those coffee beans



  • Origin: Carmo de Minas, Minas Gerais, Brazil
  • Farm: Fazenda Sertão
  • Producer: Nazareth Dias Pereira
  • Altitude: 1100-1400 m.a.s.l.
  • Specie: Coffea Arabica
  • Varietal: Yellow Bourbon
  • Processing: dry (natural)
  • Harvest: current crop
  • Quality: Specialty, 82,5 cupping points from our Q Arabica Grader


Coffee growing in Brazil

Brazil is the largest country in South America, the capital is Brasilia located at an altitude of 760 meters above sea level, but the most famous is the second largest, Rio De Janeiro.

Brazil is the largest producer of arabica coffee in the entire world, and it is also in Brazil that the farmer with the largest coffee crop on earth lives. The state of Minas Gerais is the most recognizable region, growing arabica coffee at relatively low altitudes, as the average elevation of the state is 900 meters above sea level.

Smaki kawy z Brazylii mogą być naprawdę różnorodne: od cytrusów po nuty czekolady, orzechów.


Discover a region: South of Minas Gerais

Sul de Minas (also known as South of Minas) lies at a high altitude, averaging 950 meters above sea level. The region has a mild annual temperature of about 22 degrees Celsius. It produces about 30% of the country's coffee. Coffee trees are most often grown by small farms of 10 to 100 hectares.

The main varieties are Catuaí, Mundo Novo, Icatu, Obatã and Catuaí Rubi. In terms of flavor profile, usually coffee from here is full-bodied, with slightly lemony notes and fruity aromas.

Jakiego smaku spodziewać się po kawie parzonej w ekspresach automatycznych? Kawa do ekspresu będzie pełna w smaku.


Meet a coffee farm Fazenda Sertão

The history of the Fazenda Sertão plantation is linked to the first steps of Carmo de Minas coffee cultivation. José Isidro Pereira was born into a family of the first generation of coffee farmers in the region. His life was not at all supposed to be connected to coffee because he studied dentistry, but after his mother died, José returned to the family home in Carmo de Minas and was the sole heir to the plantation. Today, Fazenda Sertão is cared for by his wife, Nazareth, and their children and grandchildren.

The plantation is located above 1,000 meters above sea level in Carmo de Minas, where the average annual temperature is 18ºC. The coffee plants are planted on the tops of slopes with gradients of up to 50%. The wild, natural conditions influence the health and condition of the shrubs. Thanks to biodiversity and the presence of many varieties of local plants, even ripening and protection from fungal infections, diseases and pests are ensured. All these steps ultimately lead to excellent quality grains.

Jak zaparzyć dobrą kawę? Ekspresy automatyczne są doskonałe do zaparzenia ziarna od najlepszej palarni.


Coffee processing method of those beans: natural

Specialty segment coffee is harvested by hand, and then dried in the sun. The dried fruit is mechanically separated from the beans in a dry mill, and the leftover fruit (cascara) goes back into the ground as compost. This process of processing coffee is natural (dry, dry method, natural) and is the oldest way of processing coffee. If you are curious about the details, we invite you to our article on natural processing, from which you can learn even more.

Czy można pozbyć się kwasowości w kawach? Po prostu warto uznać, że kawa to owoc!



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